How To
Aug 25, 2023

How to Get More Out of Your Sales Leads Data

Managing a growing lead database can be overwhelming. And if you don’t have the right tools to derive actionable insights from this database, you’re missing opportunities to boost your bottom line.

Gigasheet is one such platform. This no-code spreadsheet tool gives you a suite of features to work with large databases and organize data strategically.

We took a sample sales database and created this guide to explain how you can use Gigasheet to navigate your lead data on the fly and build sales intelligence from this data.

This database includes leads for an online school generated from different channels with a lead score based on their actions.

How to optimally manage your lead database with Gigasheet

Gigasheet is a big data-powered spreadsheet platform. It gives you an intuitive interface and advanced features to navigate your sales data quickly.

Let’s look at everything you can do to manage and streamline your sales database.

1. Segment leads using different parameters

Lead segmentation is essential for scheduling follow-ups and planning all future touchpoints with prospective clients. It also tells you which leads are worth pursuing and which ones aren’t.

With Gigasheet’s Group function, you can categorize leads into multiple segments and separate good and bad. This grouping can also help identify your best-performing channels for lead generation.

Segment sales leads data

For example, in our sample database, we first grouped all the leads based on their origin — whether they came from the landing page, the lead form, or imported files.

Segment sales leads data by lead origin

We further segmented leads according to their stage in the sales funnel. With that, we could separate all the qualified leads from the junk ones. By applying the grouping function, you can focus only on the qualified group and ignore or remove the other groups.

Segment sales leads data by lead origin and lead stage

We added a third level of segmentation by grouping leads by source. This divided the qualified leads into multiple groups, like direct traffic, organic search, referral sites, and Google.

With this segmentation, we discovered that direct traffic was the best-performing channel for lead generation, followed by Google and organic search.

Segment sales leads data by lead origin, stage and source

Getting deeper visibility into your lead database will just need a few clicks. We created this three-layer segmentation by simply defining the columns in the Group by function on Gigasheet.

Group by sales leads data by origin, stage and source

2. Filter data to identify high-intent prospects

Not all leads are created equal. Even the qualified leads will have different buying intents — some might be eager to buy immediately, while some might just be exploring their options.

Gigasheet’s Filter data function is perfect for finding the most high-intent leads in your database and using your sales team’s time productively.

You can filter the database by creating conditions for specific columns. For example, we created a condition to filter our sample database and display only qualified leads.

Filter sales leads data.

Here’s the output where you can see only qualified leads:

Filter sales leads data quickly

We added another condition to further filter the database based on lead score. The higher the lead score, the stronger the purchase intent. So, we filtered leads with a score of 150 or higher.

Filter lead data by multiple filters

Besides identifying high-intent leads, we also wanted to find how many were generated from organic channels. So, we set another condition for the lead source column to only show leads from organic search, Google, and direct traffic.  

Filter lead data by stage, score and source

Gigasheet organized our sample database into something like this with these three filters. You can see qualified leads from organic sources with a lead score of 150 or higher.

You can also sort these leads, arrange them in order of highest to lowest lead score, and prioritize the one with a higher score.

Filter lead data based on multiple parameters

3. Derive insights using IF/THEN function

Filtering and grouping leads can effectively organize your sales database and give you preliminary action points to work on. But what if you want to expand your database and get more insights?

With Gigasheet’s IF/THEN function, you can define specific conditions and generate new insights based on your data.

Here’s an example where we decided to give leads a warm or cold status. Using the IF/THEN function, we first defined the name of the new column where these insights will appear. Then we set three conditions:

  • Lead origin should be landing page submission
  • Lead stage should be qualified
  • Lead score should be >200

If a lead meets all three conditions, then it’s warm. Otherwise, it’s cold.

Derive insights using IF/THEN function

After applying this function, Gigasheet created a new column titled Lead Status, and categorized leads into warm and cold based on our rules.

Derive insights using IF/THEN function multiple conditions

We used the same function for allocating leads to different sales reps based on the lead channel. For example, let's consider that one sales rep is accountable for all the leads coming from the landing page while another will take care of all lead form prospects.

So, we created two condition groups using the IF/THEN function:

  • The first condition stated that all leads coming from the lead add form and lead import form will go to John
  • The second condition stated that all leads coming from landing page submissions would go to George
Gigasheet IF/Then function

After applying this rule, Gigasheet mapped all relevant leads to John and George based on our rules. Leads from all other channels were left empty.

Gigasheet mapped all relevant leads

4. Combine or split columns to consolidate details

You can take these Gigasheet functionss to a more advanced level by combining multiple columns. Consolidate details from different columns into a single column and filter or group leads accordingly.

For example, we combined the lead origin and source columns to understand various touchpoints in the buyer journey.

Combine lead data

This function created a new column called Channel, where we could see the combined details of every lead's origin and source.

Combined sales leads data

You can also split columns to differentiate details in a single column. This feature works best for breaking down dates into months or years. In our example, we reversed the rule above to split the lead origin and source data.  

Split column

Here’s the output where the Channel column was separated into two parts:

Split lead data

5. Leverage AI to do the heavy lifting  

It’s only natural to feel confused when you have so many leads to manage. Even with all these functions to organize your database, you might not know the best ways to build sales intelligence from this data. That’s where Gigasheet’s AI Sheet Assistant comes to your rescue!

With this feature, you can simply type in a prompt of what you want to do in your database, and Gigahseet will perform the action in seconds.

Not just that, the AI assistant will also explain how it performed this task and list all the steps to do it.

Here's an example where we asked AI to create two groups: junk leads and unreachable leads. The AI assistant created these two segments by using the Filter and Group functions.

Use AI to filter lead data

Managing sales leads is a breeze with Gigasheet!

Gigasheet is the perfect platform to create and optimize your sales database if you want to scale your lead generation efforts. Stay on top of all your leads and plan your workflows based on this intelligence.

You can perform any task in seconds and operationalize your data instead of racking your brain for hours on writing complex formulas.

Try Gigasheet today and manage your lead database seamlessly!

The ease of a spreadsheet with the power of a data warehouse.

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