How To
Apr 19, 2023

How to Organize Your Sales Leads Like a Boss

Looking to organize thousands or millions of sales leads inside a spreadsheet so that you’re better equipped to analyze all of that data without putting too much strain on your mind?

Maybe you want to sort a column in ascending order. Or maybe you want to categorize based on their values?

The problem with spreadsheet giants like Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets is that they have a million row limit, and a file that big is likely to cause Excel to crash on your computer.

Not to mention, these platforms have a steep learning curve for data exploration. Filters and Pivots have to be applied in order to even begin analysis.

That’s where Gigasheet comes in!

Gigasheet makes it super-easy to organize your spreadsheets for better analysis and decision-making.

And the best part is – with Gigasheet, you can organize big data spreadsheets – ones with millions or over a billion rows.

Learn how to organize your sales leads inside Gigasheet like a pro.

How to Organize Sales Leads

For demonstration, I’ll be organizing data (dummy data) inside a spreadsheet comprising details of leads a company generated in 2022. Here’s the information I have on these leads:

  1. First name
  2. Last name
  3. Company
  4. Phone number
  5. Title
  6. Lead source
  7. Industry
  8. Status
  9. Rating
  10. Testing category
  11. Email
How to organize your sales leads

Now, let’s organize these leads for smart analysis – based on my requirements:

  1. Remove all duplicate sales leads from my list.
  2. Categorize leads by rating (hot, warm, and cold.)
  3. Categorize leads by their industry
  4. Categorize leads by their rating and industry
  5. Filter Sales By Leads by Title to Target “Manager”

Let’s play around.

Remove All Duplicate Sales Leads from the Spreadsheet.

Throughout the lead generation campaign, it’s highly likely some people submitted their details multiple times – just so they could get their hands on my lead magnet. So, now – how do I remove the duplicate entries?


You can use Gigasheet’s “Delete Duplicates” feature. To do that, navigate to “Data Cleanup -> Delete Duplicates.”

Remove all duplicate leads from the spreadsheet of Sales Leads

Now, you’ll get a pop-up asking you to select one or more columns to be checked for duplicates. In our case, we’ll have to do it a couple of times – as it’s likely the same people used different names, emails – to unlock the lead magnet.

First, let’s remove the email duplicates.

Remove all duplicate leads from the spreadsheet by email

As you can see, Gigasheet found over 3,258 duplicates.

duplicate values found

Click on “Proceed” to remove the duplicate entries.

Now, let’s delete duplicates by phone number as it’s a unique value just like email.

Remove all duplicate leads from the spreadsheet

Gigasheet found over 58,552 values with the same phone numbers.

duplicate values found

Click on proceed to remove them.

Now, the reason we didn’t choose to remove duplicates by other columns – in our case, first name, last name, company, as many leads can have the same entries in these columns. So, it makes sense to delete duplicate entries by selecting column groups that can have unique values.

Now, let’s say – of these leads, you want to better understand which leads are hot, warm, and cold. So, let’s categorize the data based on their rating.

Categorize Sales Leads by Their Rating (Hot, Warm, and Cold)

Categorizing your data inside Gigasheet is a walk in the park. While we do have a Pivot mode available, Gigasheet makes it super-easy to organize your data. To categorize leads by rating (hot, warm, and cold), you can just click on “Group” and choose to group by “Rating.”

Categorize leads by rating (hot, warm, and cold.)

Result –

Categorize leads by rating (hot, warm, and cold.)

Now, if you want to get a list of leads that are hot, you can just click on “Hot,” – which will present all the hot leads in front of you as drop-downs.

Categorize leads by rating (hot, warm, and cold.)

And the same can be done for Warm and Cold leads.

Categorize Sales Leads by Industry

If you want to categorize leads by industries, click on “Group” and group them by “Industry.”

Categorize leads by their industries.

This will help you understand what industries are the most interested in your lead magnet. Now, if you want to create separate lead nurturing campaigns based on the industry your leads belonged to, you can just click on the industry – let’s say Apparel and get your hands on leads from Apparel.

Categorize leads by their industries.

Categorize leads by Rating and Industry

Let’s say you want to organize your leads by their rating and industries. This means, you want all your data such that you can separate hot, warm, and cold leads – and further separate each of them – based on their categories for better analysis.

Doing it inside Gigahseet is super easy.

Here, we’ll apply multiple layers of grouping.

Categorize leads by their rating (hot, warm and cold) and industries.

First, we’ll group by “Rating” to categorize leads based on whether they are hot, warm or cold.

Categorize leads by their rating (hot, warm and cold) and industries.

Now, we’ll group by another column – “Industry” to further add an industry-based sub-category.

Categorize leads by their rating (hot, warm and cold) and industries.

Result -

Categorize leads by their rating (hot, warm and cold) and industries.

This means, if you want to run an email nurturing campaign to target hot leads from the agriculture industry, you can easily get your hands on them.

Categorize leads by their rating (hot, warm and cold) and industries.

Filter Sales By Leads by Title to Target “Manager”

In the above condition, we grouped the leads by “Rating” and then “Industry.”

Categorize leads by their rating and industries – but only keep the ones with title “Manager.”

But now, when I click on any of these industries, I get leads with varied titles like Human Resources, Managers, Directors, and more.

What if I just want to target managers?

In this case, we’ll add a filter “Manager.”

Gigasheet filter

Either you can filter by Rows or Groups. But in our case, I want to apply a filter throughout all the categories and sub-categories. If I only wanted to get my hands on Managers who are hot leads, then I’d have filtered by Group.

Results –

Categorize leads by their rating and industries – but only keep the ones with title “Manager.”

As you can see, we only have the list of leads who are managers – no one else.

Wrapping Up

When it comes to organizing your data, Gigasheet unlocks endless possibilities to help you make sense of your data.

Apart from these advanced spreadsheet functionalities that make it super-easy to organize your spreadsheet, the one thing that makes Gigasheet stand out from other spreadsheet platforms is its ability to process spreadsheets with millions or over a billion rows. You can literally upload a massive 200+ GB spreadsheet file to Gigasheet.

Want to try it out for yourself?

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