How To
May 17, 2024

How to Export Google Analytics Data to a Spreadsheet

Gaining a competitive edge in today's densely saturated digital marketplace starts with meticulously analyzing your web analytics data. Google Analytics provides a wealth of insights, and its latest version, GA4, offers even more robust tracking and analysis. While the GA4 interface is powerful, you can benefit from even greater flexibility and control by exporting your GA4 data directly into a spreadsheet.

In this blog post, we guide you through exporting your Google Analytics 4 data into a spreadsheet. You'll learn how to use Gigasheet's GA4 Data Connector to make this process quick and efficient. 

Challenges of Using the GA4 Interface

Traditional analysis within the GA4 interface comes with a set of limitations that can restrict the depth and flexibility of data handling. Some challenges you may face include: 

  • GA4 offers several built-in reports, but these are inflexible and offer limited customization options that may not meet all analytical needs.
  • GA4's interface might not provide the necessary depth or flexibility for more complex queries. This means you would have to revert to BigQuery integration, which involves a steeper learning curve and potentially higher costs.
  • In some cases, particularly on high-traffic websites, GA4 may sample data to process reports faster, which can lead to less precise data analysis.
  • Integrating GA4 data with other data sources for a comprehensive analysis can be cumbersome and often requires additional tools or platforms.

Why Export Google Analytics Data to a Spreadsheet?

Exporting GA4 data to a spreadsheet can address these limitations effectively. Spreadsheets allow for complex calculations, filtering, and sorting that might not be directly available or feasible within the GA4 interface.

Spreadsheet data can easily be integrated with other business data sources. This gives you a holistic view of business performance across multiple platforms. Lastly, spreadsheets are widely used and understood by professionals at all technical levels, making analytics more accessible across departments.

Gigasheet's GA4 Data Connector

Gigasheet is a powerful, cloud-based tool designed to handle massive datasets. Its intuitive design makes analyzing large amounts of data approachable. Gigasheet can manage up to 1 billion rows of data, offers a wide range of analytical functions, data enrichment integrations, data visualization capabilities, and even features AI integration for deeper insights.

One of Gigasheet's standout features is its GA4 Data Connector, which simplifies importing analytics data directly into its environment.

Benefits of Using Gigasheet to Export GA4 Data

  • Automated Data Sync: Automatically syncs new GA4 data and ensures the data in Gigasheet is always up to date.
  • Handling Large Datasets: Efficiently manages large volumes of data that would otherwise be cumbersome in conventional spreadsheets.
  • Built-in Analytics Tools: Offers advanced filtering, grouping, and analysis tools beyond basic spreadsheet functionalities.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Designed to be intuitive, it allows users with minimal technical expertise to perform advanced data analysis.

How to Export Data from Google Analytics 4 Using Gigasheet's GA4 Data Connector

Exporting data from Google Analytics 4 (GA4) to a spreadsheet is the first step for enhanced data manipulation and analysis beyond what is directly available within GA4's interface. Gigasheet's GA4 Data Connector facilitates this process in just a few steps. Here's how you can export GA4 data to Gigasheet. 

Step 1: Ensure Proper Setup of Google Analytics 4

Before initiating the export process, verify that your Google Analytics 4 is properly set up and actively collecting data. This is what you need to check: 

  1. Verify Tracking Code Installation: Ensure the GA4 tracking code is correctly installed on all website pages. The "Realtime" report in GA4 shows live data as it arrives.
  2. Configure Data Streams: In GA4, data streams must be configured to collect data from your various platforms. Make sure these are set up to reflect the correct sources.
  3. Set Up Events and Conversions: Since GA4 is event-based, ensure your desired events are properly defined and marked as conversions if they are critical to your business outcomes.
  4. Administrative Access: Verify that you have administrative access to the GA4 account. This is necessary for setting up integrations and exporting data. You need at least "viewer" permission to export data to Gigasheet. 

Step 2: Sign Up or Log In to Gigasheet

If you do not have a Gigasheet account, you will need to create one. Creating a Gigasheet account is free. 

Complete the registration process by providing your email and creating a password, or sign up using a third-party authentication service like Google or Microsoft for quicker access.

Step 3: Connect Google Analytics 4 with Gigasheet

Once logged into Gigasheet, go to your dashboard. Navigate to the bar at the top and select Import Data from Platforms

Export google analytics data to Gigasheet using the connector

Select the 'Google Analytics 4' option from the list of data connectors available in Gigasheet.

Export google analytics data

Now log in to your Google account. You will be prompted to allow Gigasheet to access and export GA4 data. Grant the necessary permissions so that Gigasheet can read your analytics data.

Linking Gigasheet to google analytics for export

Step 4: Configure the Data Import Settings

After linking your GA4 account with Gigasheet, configure the data import settings. Choose the GA4 property and specific data stream from which you want to import data.

connect to google analytics

After this, you can choose metrics and dimensions, schedule data imports, and configure other advanced settings. Once your data has been imported, Gigahseet will automatically create an intuitive spreadsheet for data exploration.  

Step 5: Analyze Your Data in Gigasheet

Once your data is imported into Gigasheet, utilize its powerful features for deep data analysis. 

You can easily Apply filters, sort columns, or add formulas to large datasets. To sort a column of data, click on it and, from the drop-down menu, select Sort Ascending—1 to 9 or Sort Descending—9 to 1. 

Export google analytics data for sorting

You can also use Gigasheet's functionalities to create custom reports. To understand your analytics more comprehensively, you can group data, generate pivot tables, and create visualizations. To group data, navigate to Group and select the columns you want to group. 

Export google analytics data for grouping

Share your findings directly from Gigasheet by exporting reports or collaborating with teammates within Gigasheet's platform. To do this, click Share and invite your collaborators using their email addresses. 

Export data from Google Analytics 4 to Gigasheet and enhance your ability to perform complex data analysis and gain actionable insights. With Gigasheet, you can maximize your data's potential and drive more informed business decisions. This process simplifies the complexities associated with GA4's web-based analytics and amplifies your analytical capabilities through the powerful data processing features of Gigasheet.

Sign up for Gigasheet today, import Google Analytics data, and enjoy the power of big data analytics!

The ease of a spreadsheet with the power of a database, at cloud scale.

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