How To
Jun 14, 2024

Enrich B2B Email Lists for Free

b2b email list enrichmentRegardless of where you source your email lists, be it vendors or your own first-party sources, their quality deteriorates over time. Often, you'll find email lists full of incomplete records, outdated information, and duplicate details. That’s where email enrichment comes in. 

Email enrichment improves the quality of your email database by adding extra data points from multiple sources. It fills gaps in your data, allowing you to create more accurate communication and deliver personalized campaigns.

In this blog post, we'll walk you through the steps to enrich email lists using Gigasheet. We’ll also showcase different data cleanup functions you can use to maintain a clean database. Read on.

Overview of Gigasheet's B2B Email List Enrichment

Regularly updating and verifying the information within your email database enhances the accuracy of your communications and significantly improves engagement rates, ensuring your messages reach their intended recipients.

Gigasheet helps you accomplish this with its various free-to-use email enrichments, including format verification, deliverability validation, Alex rank, and more. It even added a brand-new enrichment called RevenueBase Person Email address that lets you add details like name, phone job, etc., to your lists based on email addresses.

b2b email list enrichment in Gigasheet

Furthermore, as a full-fledged big data spreadsheet, Gigasheet also includes data cleanup functions that allow you to merge/split records, bulk extract text/numerals from columns, and delete duplicates.

We'll talk more about these features later, but first, let's enrich email lists.

Step-by-Step Guide to Perform B2B Email List Enrichment in Gigasheet

First of all, sign up for Gigasheet and upload your email list to the app's Library. You can upload lists in CSV, XLSX, or even Zip format. But here's the best part: you don't need to source any API keys to use these enrichments. Select the emails you want to enrich, and Gigasheet will take care of the rest.

Here, we are using a list of 1,000 records with details like full name, email, phone, etc. Please note that these are not real records. Instead, these records are randomly generated using the GPT NLP model.

email list in Gigaheet

 Now, let's use this list to test Gigasheet's various email enrichment features.

1. Email Format and Alexa Rank Enrichment

Manually looking for errors in a list with thousands of emails can be tiring. One can always write a Python script to automate this process, but coding isn't everyone's cup of tea.

So, first on our list is email verification enrichment, which checks emails for correct format and syntax and extracts domains from email addresses. It also takes the column with the domain and compares it to the Alexa 1 million domain ranking. Here's how to use it:

Open your email list in Gigasheet and look for the Enrichment tab in the top menu bar. Click it and select the Email Format and Alex Rank option from the list.

Email enrichments in Gigasheet

Select the column with email addresses—in our case, it is named "Email." Then, click Apply. In the next pop-up dialog, confirm that you want to proceed by clicking Run.

Data enrichment make b2b email list enrichment easy in Gigasheet

Wait for Gigasheet to complete the process. Once it's ready, you'll see these new columns in your spreadsheet:

  • Email – Format: Returns values like correct and incorrect to signify whether the email address follows the standard syntactical rules.
  • Email – Domain: Return the domain extracted from the email address.
  • Email – Alexa Rank: Returns Alexa ranking of extracted domains.
Email format check results in Gigasheet

2. Email Validation by LeadMagic

You already know that an email's proper format doesn't guarantee that it's correct or even active. So, we'll use email validation enrichment to check whether we can deliver emails to these addresses.

The process is similar to the previous section. Navigate to the list of enrichments, but this time, select Email Validation powered by LeadMagic.

Select the LeadMagic enrichment

Select the column that contains email addresses and click the Test button.

b2b email list enrichment using LeadMagic

Let Gigasheet work the magic, and you'll see two columns in the pop-up email and email status. You can untick the email column but keep the email status column selected so you can add it to your spreadsheet.

Preview the LeadMagic results

Click the Apply button and then click Run. Your sheet will now have a new column with each email's validation status.

Running the b2b email list enrichment in Gigasheet

3. RevenueBase Email Enrichment

In some instances, you may find yourself with only a list of emails without additional details – no names, no addresses, or anything else. What would you do in such a scenario? Again, you can turn to Gigasheet's RevenueBase Person Email enrichment.

This email enrichment option allows you to fill gaps in your email list. You simply provide emails, and Gigasheet fetches details from RevenueBase, such as the person's name, phone number, job details, etc.

Here's how to use it:

Select RevenueBase Person Email Enrichment from the list of enrichments. Then, select the column with email addresses. Click Apply.

Wait for Gigasheet to run the enrichment. Upon completion, Gigasheet will add the following columns to your sheet:

  • About Me
  • Cell phone
  • City
  • Country code
  • Profession
b2b email list enrichment in action

Use Gigasheet to Clean Email Lists

As we mentioned earlier, Gigasheet is a spreadsheet solution that you can use to clean email lists for free. Here are some helpful data cleanup features available in Gigasheet:

1. Split/Combine Columns

Splitting a column is necessary when you want to extract a certain part of a record, be it a string of text, numbers, or special characters. The email list we showcased earlier has a full name column. We can use the Split Column option to extract first names in a separate column, which can be handy when personalizing emails.

The function is available under the Data tab in the menu. To use it, select the Split Column option, select the desired column, and add a separator.

Split Columns in Gigasheet

In our case, we are going with whitespace, so the full name column will be split where the first name ends. Click Apply.

Results of split column in Gigasheet

Similarly, you can combine two or more columns to create a single new column.

2. Delete Duplicates

Suppose your email lists have multiple records for the same person. You can dedupe such records in Gigasheet as well. You can also verify the number of unique entries you have by simply pulling up the quick calculation menu at the bottom of every column and selecting the Unique option.

Remove duplicates in Gigasheet

Once you've verified that your list has duplicate records, you can prune them by navigating to the Data tab > Data Cleanup > Remove Duplicates.

Selecting the function to clean the b2b email list enrichment file

Tick the columns from which you want to delete duplicate entries and click Remove. Gigasheet will eliminate all repeated records from your file.

Select columns to remove duplicates

3. Find & Replace

Now, imagine you find an incorrect record and want to edit it. But since it repeats numerous times in your file, manually correcting it isn't an option. That's where you can use Gigasheet's Find & Replace function.

Go to the Edit tab and select the Find & Replace option.

Find & Replace in Gigasheet

Select the column, enter the existing value you want to replace, and then enter the new value that will replace the old one. Click Replace All.

Using the find and replace function to clean b2b email list enrichment

Gigasheet will add a new column with new values, as shown below:


The Bottom Line on B2B Email List Enrichment

Whether you want to clean your email list or perform a quick email enrichment procedure, Gigasheet is your ultimate sidekick. This no-code spreadsheet tool makes it easier for beginners and non-tech leaders to use data analytics to their advantage. Cleaning your data, enriching it with third-party sources, and collaborating with your team is a breeze with Gigasheet.

So, sign up for Gigasheet today and get 10,000 monthly enrichment credits!

The ease of a spreadsheet with the power of a data warehouse.

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