The Hello Salut API provides an endpoint that returns how to say Hello in the language local to the IP Address. This allows you to map outreach language based on a web visitor's location. It's always a good idea to make a good first impression!
Provider Website:
Provider Enrichment Docs:
Token / Registration Required: No
How To Enrich A Spreadsheet With Hello Salut:
For this example, my data is a list of (fake) names and their IP address. I am planning some outreach and want to know what language to reach out to each person.
Step 1. In Gigasheet, head to the Enrichments function and select Custom Enrichment. First we paste in the HTTP request from the Hello Salut documentation. Be sure your request starts with curl.
Step 2. On the next screen we’ll insert the column variable from our Gigasheet sheet for the prompt. In this case, we highlight the ip address in the input, and then select our Symbol column and click +Insert Column Reference. Then click Next.
Step 3. In this screen we see a preview of the results. Gigasheet makes requests for the first three rows and shows the Hello Salut response. At this point select the fields you want to be inserted into your sheet. I’ve selected the columns I’d like returned from the prompt, which in this case is the language code and how to say Hello.
Step 4. Finally, confirm the number of requests is to your liking, and when ready click Run to kickoff the custom enrichment process. It’s ok to leave or close the sheet; the custom enrichment will keep running and you’ll receive an email once the job has been completed. You can monitor the progress of your enrichment, or cancel the job at the top of the sheet.
Step 5. Once completed, Gigasheet will enrich your sheet with new columns using the selected data from the Hello, Salut! API response. Below is an example of the results. As you can see, the IP Address has been enriched with the language spoken at that address’s location, plus how to say hello in the local language. Let the outreach begin!